Just a short heads up on “”;http://www.jonathancoulton.com/“>Jonathan Coulton”;.

His music is licensed under the “Creative Commons”; License

Most of it is funny and guitar

Mr Fancy Pants:

Re: Your Brain: <— Zombie Comedy :D
[audio:http://www.jonathancoulton.com/mp3/Re Your Brains.mp3]

Skullcrusher Mountain:
[audio:http://www.jonathancoulton.com/mp3/Skullcrusher Mountain.mp3]

a "Baby got Back”; cover:
[audio:http://www.jonathancoulton.com/mp3/Baby Got Back.mp3]

Here you can find some listening suggestions and here is a full list of his songs (you could get the mp3 name by looking at the sourcecode… or just buy a song. It’s only 1 dollar anyway :D).

He also has some other cover versions. In general I have to say that I really like ALL of his songs…

edit: he’s great unplugged too!
edit2: apparently he was the guitar on “”;http://www.archive.org/download/700HoboNames/Hobo_Names.mp3">700 hobo names“

Directly from wikipedia:

Coulton accompanied John Hodgman on his list of 700 Hobo Names promotional track for The Areas of My Expertise as the guitarist (he was referenced as "Jonathan William Coulton, the Colchester Kid”; in said work). Coulton has also been referenced in Hodgman’s work with The Daily Show; a Jonathan Coulton of Colchester, Connecticut is Hodgman’s pick to win an essay contest on defeating the Iraqi insurgency.2 The winning entry, as set to music, was then played on the program; this song, about dropping snakes from airplanes, was written and performed by Coulton.
