1. Get the source and dependencies (yadda yadda)

2. in the file rs-core/src/make.opt, you’ll find a section which is something like:

RS_LIBS = -L../lib -lretroshare
RS_LIBS += ….
RS_LIBS += ….

and you want to change it to:

RS_LIBS = -Wl,-search_paths_first
RS_LIBS += -L../lib -lretroshare
RS_LIBS += ….
RS_LIBS += ….

3. look in rs-Qt-gui/src/Retroshare.pro
for the following line (at the end of the file):

LIBS += -L../../../../../lib -lretroshare -lKadC -lminiupnpc -lssl -lcrypto

You want to change it to:

LIBS += -L../../../../../lib -Wl,-search_paths_first -lretroshare -lKadC -lminiupnpc -lssl -lcrypto

I also had to do: sudo ln -s /sw/lib/qt4-x11/bin/qmake /usr/bin/qmake-qt4

And there we go:
