Ich hatte den Eindruck als h√§tte Alice DSL einen echt guten Support. Anrufe von den Ingenieuren im Hintergrund, kostenlose Hotline, …
Irgendwas scheint sich geändert zu haben.

Start des ganzen: 5.11.2007 15:14:43
Meine letzte Mail: 20.01.2008 11:40:49

Just a bot that returns the current number of connections to the server, the free diskspace and the uptime
Uses Jabber::Bot (which uses xmpp-simple).

It is pretty hardcoded for my own jabber server, but maybe somebody can get something out of it

I moved the contents of the dmg file to my root dir (/) before executing the run_this file

EDIT: the soft upgrade crashed and now my iPhone is in DFU Mode… so it's either back to v 1.1.2 for me or wait till someone recommends sth :)

EDIT2: thanks to a well known IRC Chan, I now know that it is possible to have a "legit"; 1.1.3. upgrade jailbroken (including the new baseband). Today after work I'll do some more stuff :)

Over here you can find the instructions for a windows based jailbreak of 1.1.3!

This is what Nate says:

Now you may be wondering how this jailbreak works. Here's a breakdown:

- iBrickr grabs the 1.1.3 iPhone firmware image and extracts, decrypts, and decompresses the disk image.
- Then it applies a patch, jailbreaking the disk image and activating it, and also installing Installer.app.
- It uploads this new modified image to the phone, as 113_upgrade_image.bin.
- The "1.1.3 soft upgrade"; app flashes the phone with the image and reboots.
- You have a perfect, jailbroken, upgraded 1.1.3 phone, with all your settings and music intact!


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