The new “Google Pack”; also includes Star-Office


(StarOffice is Sun Microsystems' proprietary office suite software package. It is the basis of the free and open source package, and contains some additional features.)

In case anyone asks…
Croatia was like this:

Ich find ihn nach wie vor super :)


Hallo lieber Alice Service, Schon vor einiger Zeit wurden die monatlichen Kosten des Alice Deluxe Tarifes (den auch ich im Moment nutze) f√ºr Neukunden um 5 Euro gesenkt. Wie in den g√§ngigen, gro√É∆í√Ö¬∏en Online-Foren nachzulesen ist kommen Bestandskunden nur √ºber eine K√ºndigungsdrohung in den Genuss dieser Verg√ºnstigung (viele dokumentierte F√§lle). Da ich jedoch keinen Sinn darin sehe ihnen als Support Team und mir als Kunde diese extra Arbeit zu machen, wollte ich auf diesem Wege einfach fragen ob ich nun wirklich die K√ºndigungshotline anrufen muss oder ob mir als auch √ºber dieses Kontaktformular die 5 Euro Verg√ºnstigung zu Teil werden. Falls nicht muss ich wohl mich wohl doch einmal mit der K√ºndigungshotline unterhalten… MIt freundlichem Gruss, Marc Seeger

Der Support:

Just in case anybody wonders why there are no posts over the next 10 days:

I’m on Holiday in Pula


To be exact: Banjole


Over at you can find a nice page which combines powerpointstyle slides with audio and uses flash to display it. (there are non-audio ones available too…)

There’s some nice stuff, and loooots of youtube-style “fun videos”; (gnaah…)

Here’s a short sample:

Ok, I just donated a bit of money to Jonathan Coulton and wanted to download some of his songs. As I didn’t know which ones I’d like I wanted to get them all and listen to them in the car/on the bike/…

That’s why I wrote myself a little java app I call “JonathanCoultonLoader”;.

Basically you download the .jar file and doubleclick it. It will then start downloading all of his MP3s (creative commons…) to the directory it is in atm.

JAR (binary):”>

It’s a quick & dirty hack… so the source shouldn’t be looked at ;)

Just a short heads up on “”;“>Jonathan Coulton”;.

His music is licensed under the “Creative Commons”; License

Most of it is funny and guitar

Mr Fancy Pants:

Re: Your Brain: <— Zombie Comedy :D
[audio: Your Brains.mp3]

Skullcrusher Mountain:
[audio: Mountain.mp3]

a "Baby got Back”; cover:
[audio: Got Back.mp3]

Here you can find some listening suggestions and here is a full list of his songs (you could get the mp3 name by looking at the sourcecode… or just buy a song. It’s only 1 dollar anyway :D).

He also has some other cover versions. In general I have to say that I really like ALL of his songs…

edit: he’s great unplugged too!
edit2: apparently he was the guitar on “”;">700 hobo names“

Directly from wikipedia:

Coulton accompanied John Hodgman on his list of 700 Hobo Names promotional track for The Areas of My Expertise as the guitarist (he was referenced as "Jonathan William Coulton, the Colchester Kid”; in said work). Coulton has also been referenced in Hodgman’s work with The Daily Show; a Jonathan Coulton of Colchester, Connecticut is Hodgman’s pick to win an essay contest on defeating the Iraqi insurgency.2 The winning entry, as set to music, was then played on the program; this song, about dropping snakes from airplanes, was written and performed by Coulton.

I've hacked up an implementation of using openDHT using Java. works pretty fine so far using standard XML-RPC.

Might not be the best code, but I sure as hell could have used something like that :)

Ryan Worsley did lay the foundation, but I never could get his code to run on my Java 1.5 + Eclipse Configuration, so I hacked it to a working level and wrote a little "tester"; app.

have fun :)


Hier gibts eine echt gut gemachte Vorlesung der Uni Jena zu den Folgenden Themen:


(1) 16.04.2007 Computer als universales Kommunikationsmedium

(2) 23.04.2007 Computer als universales Kommuniktionsmedium (2)

(3) 30.04.2007 Datenrepr&#xE4;sentation im Computer – Zahlen- und Zeichenkodierung

(4) 07.05.2007 Datenrepr&#xE4;sentation im Computer (2) – Redundanz und Komprimierung

(5) 14.05.2007 Datenrepr&#xE4;sentation im Computer (3) – Grafikkodierung

(6) 21.05.2007 Datenrepr&#xE4;sentation im Computer (4) – Audiokodierung

(7) 04.06.2007 Vorlesung f&#xE4;llt aus

(8) 11.06.2007 Datenrepr&#xE4;sentation im Computer (5) – Videokodierung

(9) 18.06.2007 Internet und WWW (1) – Grundlagen der Rechnervernetzung

(10) 25.06.2007 Internet und WWW (2) – Grundlagen der Rechnervernetzung / Internetworking

(11) 02.07.2007 Internet und WWW (3) – Internetworking / Internetanwendungen

(12) 09.07.2007 Internet und WWW (4) – World Wide Web

(13) 16.07.2007 Internet und WWW (5) – Suchmaschinen und kryptografische Grundlagen