My Next Semester (and My Last Semester as a Bachelor-student)
I will continue to study for my Masters degre, but these are the last lectures I will take for my Bachelors:
- Thesis (12 ECTS)
- Projektarbeit (6 ECTS)
- Präsentation und Kommunikation (2 ECTS)
- Datenbanken und Anwendungen (4 ECTS)
- Sicherheit im Internet (4 ECTS)
This sums up to 28 ECTS which is everything I need :)
Datenbanken und Anwendungen = Basically Hibernate (Java)
Sicherheit im Internet = Buffer Overflows and all the fun stuff
Präsentation und Kommunikation = As far as I understood: talking :)
Projektarbeit = hmm… dunno yet √É∆í√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢_√É∆í√Ǭ≥
Thesis = Probably something about anonymous Filesharing
Other stuff I'd like to talk but can't be bothered with the extra work:
- Praktikum Netzwerksicherheit (ARP Spoofing, Metasploit, …)
- Großrechnertechnologie (Mainframe stuff)
- Aktuelle Programmiersprachen (Everyone is doing a Presentation about current programming languages)