Podcasts I Listen To
net@night: http://leoville.tv/podcasts/itn.xml
Leo Laporte and Amber McArthur talk about web2.0 gossip and other not-so-techy stuff
Crypto-Gram Security Podcast: http://crypto-gram.libsyn.com/rss
Bruce Schneier's monthly newsletter, read out loud :)
Google Developer Podcast: http://feeds.feedburner.com/GoogleDeveloperPodcast
I can't remember, doesn't seem to be broadcast that often…
Software Engineering Radio – the podcast for professional software developers: http://www.se-radio.net/rss
Highly professional topics (model driven development, DSLs, roles in software engineering). Sometimes the german accent can be a bit too much, but the topics make up for it!
The Java Posse: http://feeds.feedburner.com/javaposse
Not only Java, also other JVM related topics, nice guys
FLOSS Weekly: http://leo.am/podcasts/floss/
Leo Laporte and  Randal L. Schwartz talking to people involved in the open source community
Diggnation (Small Quicktime): http://revision3.com/diggnation/feed/quicktime-small/
Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht drink beer and look at LOLcats (basically… entertaining stuff)
Chaosradio Express: http://chaosradio.ccc.de/chaosradio_express-latest.rss
My favourite! Tim Pritlove does REALLY great (german!) interviews about topics from LISP to usability to airplanes.
There also is an english version, but it got updated the last time a year ago http://chaosradio.ccc.de/chaosradio_international-latest.rss
NDR Fernsehen – Extra3 – Video-Podcast: http://www.ndr.de/podcastlink/extra3_videopodcast.xml
German Satire, nice stuff…
Tonabnehmer: http://frankwestphal.podhost.de/rss
Web 2.0 / IT stuff… not updated all that often
MobileMacs: http://feeds.feedburner.com/mobile-macs-podcast
German. Tim Pritlove, a dude from the Spreeblick Blog and a CCC guy talk about macbooks, iphones and other mobile thingies
Rubiverse Podcast: http://feeds.feedburner.com/rubiverse
They interview the BIG guys (Rubinius Teamlead etc)
TEDTalks (video): http://feeds.feedburner.com/TEDTalks_video
Interesting talks about science stuff
Devcasting: http://devcasting.com/index.php/feed/
Podcast about software development
Ruby on Rails Podcast – mp4: http://feeds.feedburner.com/rubyonrails_mp4
Interviews with Ruby on Rails guys :)
sd.rb podcast: http://feeds.feedburner.com/sdrbpodcast
Videos about RoR
Rails Envy Podcast: http://feeds.feedburner.com/railsenvy-podcast
The funny guys from the rails vs x spoofs. Weekly Ruby + Rails news with soundeffects!
Blog – Stack Overflow: http://blog.stackoverflow.com/?feed=podcast
Software Dev Topics
Bits und so: http://www.bitsundso.de/feed/
German: Mac stuff
Serien und so: http://www.serienundso.de/feed/
German: US TV stuff
You Look Nice Today: http://feeds.feedburner.com/YouLookNiceToday
Comedy, might not be everybodies choice but I definately LOVE it
jogmap Trainingspodcast: http://www.jogmap.de/civic4/media/jogcast.xml
German: Guy talking about jogging. Kind of a "personal trainer shouting at you"; kind of situation with some sprinkles of knowledge
Chaosseminar – MP4 plus PDF: http://archiv.ulm.ccc.de/feeds/cs_mp4-pdf.xml
German: Videos about IT stuff
Dossier Chaotique: http://chaosradio.ccc.de/dossier_chaotique-latest.rss
German: Hippy stuff (how the government and corporations are stealing your freedom :D)
HELDENFunk: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Heldenfunk
German: Sun stuff… solaris, java, clustering, zfs, etc.
HoRadS Feldforschung Podcast: http://www.horads.de/fd_podcast/ch3_feldforschung/horads_feldforschung.xml
German: things having to do with the HdM, University Stuttgart or student life in Stuttgart. Some pretty nice interviews.
Localfoo: http://www.localfoo.de/?feed=podcast
German: Interesting topics, on a student level though
Manager Tools: http://www.manager-tools.com/podcasts/feed/rss2
Two guys talking about manager stuff. Interesting thing to watch from an IT guys perspective. Sooner or later we'll all have to ^^
Anything I missed?