dRuby is a distributed object system for Ruby. It allows an object in one Ruby process to invoke methods on an object in another Ruby process on the same or a different machine.
The Ruby standard library contains the core classes of the dRuby package.

Because it's really hard to find a good example that is NOT the usual "we'll create a tuplespace" one, I decided to put something up.
This example contains 3 conponents:
a) "rinda": this component is the point where the servers announce theit services and the clients receive information about the servers. Servers and clients automatically find the server thanks to UDP broadcasts

b) the server: basically a wrapper arround a "regular" class file that looks for the rinda server, registers the service there once it has found it and provides the interface to the "regular" class file over the network

c) the client:


require 'rinda/ring'
require 'rinda/tuplespace'

# start DRb

# Create a TupleSpace to hold named services, and start running
Rinda::RingServer.new Rinda::TupleSpace.new

puts "started rinda service"

# Wait until the user explicitly kills the server.

The Server

require 'drb'
require 'rinda/ring'
# expand the load path
puts "creating the service"
# creating my service
my_service = SomeClass.new
#making it available via DRB (local IP gets detected automatically)
drb_wrapper = DRb.start_service(nil, my_service)

puts "looking for rinda server"
ring_server = Rinda::RingFinger.primary
puts "Found it!--> #{ring_server.__drburi}"

puts "Registering my service"
name = `hostname`
#will be checked every 5 seconds
renewer = Rinda::SimpleRenewer.new(5)
tuple = [:name, my_service, drb_wrapper, "Monitoring Service on #{name}"]
ring_server.write(tuple, renewer)
puts "Registered and running!"


The Client

require 'drb'
require 'rinda/ring'
puts "Getting available Servers"
ring_server = Rinda::RingFinger.primary
services = ring_server.read_all [:name, nil, nil, nil]
puts "Services on #{ring_server.__drburi}"
puts "Amount: #{services.size}"
#create an array of hashes
services.map!{|service| {:object => service[1], :uri =>
service[2].__drburi, :description => service[3]} }
#sort them according to IP/URI
services.sort{|srv1, srv2| srv1[:uri] <=> srv2[:uri]}

if you want to execute a function, just use it like a regular object:

bla = Drbobject.new(nil,service[:object])  
